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Cherrybelle-Love is You
Baby i love you, love you love you so much
Since i found out love is you
Cinta satu kata penuh makna
Cinta bawa hati bahagia
Dari sekian juta keindahan dunia
Di mata hatiku kaulah keindahan hidupku
Baby i love you, love you, love you so much
And i miss you, miss you when you’re gone
Baby i need you, need you, need you so much
Since i found out love is you
Cinta temani suka dan duka huuu…
Cinta bawaku bahagia bahagia
Dari sekian juta keindahan dunia
Di mata hatiku mata hatiku
Hanya kaulah yang aku cinta
Baby i love you, love you, love you so much
And i miss you, miss you when you’re gone
Baby i need you, need you, need you so much
Since i found out love is you
Baby i miss you, baby i need you
Baby i miss you, baby i need you
Baby i miss you, baby i need you
Baby i miss you, baby i need you
Baby i love you, love you, love you so much
And i miss you, miss you when you’re gone
Baby i need you, need you, need you so much
Since i found out love is you
Baby i love you, love you, love you so much
And i miss you, miss you when you’re gone
Baby i need you, need you, need you so much
Since i found out love is you, since i found out love is you
Baby i miss you, baby i need you
Baby i miss you, baby i need you
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